Lifting up Jesus Christ as King, and equipping His people to be all He has called them to be.

Are you an intercessor? Intercessors are often misunderstood, and in many cases even they themselves don’t understand their calling. Our vision is to raise up a world-wide army of intercessors; to train, equip and encourage them; and to establish a network through which they can find connection and support.

We need intercessors to uphold this ministry, but our vision for The King’s Warriors goes way beyond that. We want to build a network that will pray for each other, for the Body of Christ as a whole, and for our cities, for our nations, and for our world in a powerful and effective way that will bring about real and lasting change. A network of warriors who are equipped for the spiritual battle, and who know their position and authority in Christ.

To join The King’s Warriors you will need to agree with our Statement of Faith and Moral Standards. If you are in Australia you will also need to become a member of King of Glory Ministries International Incorporated (our legal structure.)

The King’s Warriors operates through a  WhatsApp group, so you will need to have WhatsApp to participate. It’s free, and easy to install and use.

Obviously, you will need to be called to intercession, but you might not yet be fully functioning as an intercessor. That’s ok, as part of our vision is to help you to come into your calling. You will need to give two referees who recognize your call to intercession, and if you are not leading a church or ministry yourself one of these should be your pastor.

If that interests – and hopefully even excites – you, please complete this form to get started.

Warriors Application
Have you been born again, repenting of sin and accepting Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour
Have you received the Baptism in the Holy Spirit
Do you accept KOGMI's Statement of Faith
Do you accept KOGMI's Moral Standards
If you are in Australia, are you willing to become a Member of KOGMI
Are you called to intercession
Do you undertake to pray for this ministry and for the requests we send out