Lifting up Jesus Christ as King, and equipping His people to be all He has called them to be.

Like manly Christians in Australia, I am deeply disturbed by the things I see happening all around us.

Babies are being murdered in the womb, with threats of that being extended right up till the time of birth. This is the same spirit that, in the days of the Old Testament, saw babies thrown into the furnace that blazed in the bowels of the idol Molech, and in other cultures have seen children sacrificed to heathen gods. Our nation, and most of the western world, is staggering under a massive load of blood guilt.

Morality has been turned on its head, and insanity seems to have taken over.

Jesus Christ is mocked, and those who seek to uphold His standards are treated as criminals, whilst those who blaspheme Him are kowtowed to and honoured.

Evil is called good, and good is called evil.

And all this, my dear fellow Christians, is happening ON OUR WATCH!

The time has come for true Christians to get serious and address our own shortcomings as well as those of our nation. We are all familiar with 2 Chronicles 7:14 as a call to prayer, but too often we forget the first requirement in that passage: “If My people … WILL HUMBLE THEMSELVES …” To humble ourselves means repentance. It means acknowledging that we are part of the problem, that we have done what we should not have done and have failed to do what we should have done.” It means being willing (to borrow an expression from the world) to BE the change that we want to see in our nation.

Therefore, I am going to be very bold, and call the true Christians in our nation to a


on Saturday 4th May 2019.

Who am I to make such a call? I’m not a big name or a national celebrity, just a preacher who believes she has heard the heart of God. I don’t have the connections to make this happen; only God can do it. If you are a Christian in Australia and this resonates with your heart, please pick this up and run with it. Copy the image below and share it on your social media. Tell your friends and plan to get together on the day. Tell your pastor and other pastors you know, and urge them to call a time of prayer for that day.