Lifting up Jesus Christ as King, and equipping His people to be all He has called them to be.

I’m delighted to announce that, as of 4th October 2019, we are now an Incorporated Association through Consumer Affairs Victoria. This is something we have wanted from the outset, and we are thrilled that we have now been able to achieve it, and that the whole process has gone both quickly and smoothly.

Incorporation means that the organization is now a legal entity in its own right, and as such is able to enter into contracts, hold property and function legally as an independent entity.

Our registration as a not-for-profit organization with the Australian Charities and Non-Profit Commission (ACNC) and our status as a tax-exempt charity have also both carried over from the unincorporated association. (This latter does not mean that donations are tax-deductible – that is a separate registration that is not available to “religious” charities – but that we do not have to pay tax on our income.)

All this means that we are now through all the “set-up” work, and are able to move on to greater things. We have big plans for 2020, which we will be revealing shortly. Meanwhile, we are now at a stage where we can expand our organization, so if you share our vision and agree with our Statement of Faith and our Moral Standards, we would love to have you consider joining us. If you are interested, read more here.