Lifting up Jesus Christ as King, and equipping His people to be all He has called them to be.

Message preached by Rev. Dr. Lynn Fowler at Moe New Life Christian Centre on Sunday 5th July 2020.

Communion message by Lynn Fowler for Churchill Christian Fellowship’s live-streamed service on Sunday 28th June 2020

Message preached by Rev. Dr. Lynn Fowler at Churchill Christian Fellowship’s live-streamed service on Sunday 21st June 2020. Unfortunately the video cut out before the end of the message, but the important part is here.

Rev. Dr. Lynn Fowler preaching on Rebuilding the House of God at Moe New Life Christian Centre’s live-streamed service on Sunday 7th June 2020.

Lynn Fowler preaching for Churchill Christian Fellowship’s live-streamed service on Pentecost Sunday, 31st May 2020.

This message was preached by Lynn Fowler for Churchill Christian Fellowship’s live streamed service on Sunday 10th May 2020.

An “Armchair Chat” given by Lynn Fowler for Moe New Life Christian Centre on Wednesday 6th May 2020

3:12 Beware, brothers, lest perhaps there might be in any one of you an evil heart of unbelief, in falling away from the living God;

Throughout the book of Hebrews the writer’s primary purpose is that his readers should take… Continue reading

Message preached by Rev. Dr. Lynn Fowler at the live-stream service for Churchill Christian Fellowship on Sunday 26th April 2020.

I don’t give out a lot of prophetic messages, but this has been sitting in my spirit for the past couple of weeks, and I feel that the Holy Spirit is saying I need to put it out there.

I… Continue reading