There are many abandoned children in our area. While some have lost their parents to death and tragedy, others have been abandoned simply due to a lack of money. You can help us care for the abandoned and needy children of our community by donating towards practical needs such as food, clothing, education, and school supplies. We appreciate your support.

The Great Commission of Jesus Christ instructs us to go and make disciples of all nations… teaching everything that Jesus commanded. Though our region has a number of believers very few have learned how to be disciples of Jesus. One of our projects is to train spiritually mature disciple makers who can raise the next generation of disciple makers!
Currently Salem Ministries has only one local church. But, Pastor Roland has vision to see many more churches established throughout his region. Since the people in the church are very poor Pastor Roland has to work as a tentmaker which takes time and resources. You can help free his time to plant more churches by sponsoring a portion of his salary.