Lifting up Jesus Christ as King, and equipping His people to be all He has called them to be.


Pastor Adams Sabila is a Kingdom leader and the Co-Ordinator of King of Glory Ministries Africa, and Lead Pastor at Full Gospel Churches of Kenya-East Gate Chapel. The church started in 2009 under a temporary shelter in Sindendeet Hotel, Kitale Kenya courtesy of a Good Samaritan. It began with only five people; today the church is one of the fastest-growing churches in Kitale.

Pastor Adams Sabila was born in 1977 in the mountainous regions of Sebei tribes in Mt.Elgon ,Uganda. The Lord called Pastor Adams into the full-time ministry in 1999; although he was born again earlier he did not understand the need to fully surrender his life and plans to the Lord. He had already decided what he was going to do with his life and being a pastor was not part of his life.

During early April 23, 1999, the hand of the Lord came heavily upon his life during the planting season with oxen in his father’s farm. A lot of things began changing in his life since that time; his perspective towards the ministry changed drastically. Many events took place, which led him to pray while seeking God’s will for his life and ministry. Many days and nights he laid prostrate on the floor with tears down on his face crying to God to show him the way to for his next steps in the ministry.

It took him many months of intense prayer and fasting surrendering his life and will to do what God wanted; God wanted him to step out from what was familiar to him to trusting God to step out by faith to reach the nations for Christ. His relationship started deepening with God; He disciplined him each day through quiet times, His word, and also through the people God placed before him

Pastor Adams moved from Uganda in 2003 to Kenya where he established his ministry and met his beautiful wife Mary and married in 2005 in Kitale town. They have been blessed with two children, Judah Hopewell, and Abigail Chebet.


We are the branch of the Full Gospel Churches of Kenya (FGCK) located in Kitale town. A Pentecostal Church that is submitted totally to the one true God who eternally exists in three persons; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We are primarily English and Swahili speaking-community of believers open to people of all tribes, races and diverse socio-economic status. We are committed to reaching out to the whole person with the life-changing Gospel of Jesus Christ through a holistic ministry approach.


  1. RESTORE- Restoring broken relationships and seeking after those who are lost in our community and around the world.
  2. EQUIP- Equipping the saints with skills for ministry through discipleship classes and mentorship programs.
  3. SEND-Releasing servant leaders into the ministry to impact their community and the world for Jesus Christ.



OUR VISION-To be a dynamic church of God-fearing community who know Jesus Christ intimately, growing daily in relationship with Him and empowering people to lead and impact their community for Jesus Christ.

OUR MISSION-A committed church called to Restore broken relationships, Equip the saints for ministry and Send servant leaders to do God’s work and impact communities around the world.

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Missions and Outreach

As a church, we are committed to the great commission.
“Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of
the Father and of the Son and of and the Holy Spirit.” — Matthew 28:19

We know that Jesus is passionate about reaching the lost and anyone who listens to Him, will certainly be directed towards soul winning. The opportunities are endless for you to make an incredible difference in reaching people for the Lord here in Africa. More than five billion people—two-thirds of the world’s population—still need to be reached
with the life-transforming power of the Gospel

Children Ministry

Children Ministry is at the Heart of East gate Chapel. We are all about FUN, but more importantly, the safety of every child at the East gate is paramount. East Gate KIDS focuses on learning God’s Word and how to apply Godly principles to everyday life. We offer biblical teaching, VBS every holiday while children have closed schools, arts & crafts, Drama, games and singing songs of praise and much more.


Youth Ministry

East Gate Chapel exists to grow up this next generation in a God-Loving way. We have a great leadership team that is centered on getting the young Generation to have an experience with Jesus in a fun and exciting way with the messages that are relevant for the millennial. We lead the young people in their faith development, typically those already working or at the age of marriage, those in high school, in colleges and universities. We impart the teachings through prayer, events, activities, and mission trips that appeal to the youths while encouraging them to be faithful followers of Jesus Christ. Our staffs serving the youths create a welcoming environment, providing faith directions that help our youths in becoming what God has created them to become!

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Women Ministry

We believe in Equipping Women for ministry. Encouraging women of all ages to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ through learning, sharing, and serving. East Gate strongly believes in recognizing and supporting the contribution of women in the church. We believe in the value of women in all aspects of ministry as a vital part of a church that makes an impact in the community. We believe a woman can teach and lead within any ministry roles and positions as long as she demonstrates a biblical qualifying lifestyle. She must also submit herself, along with other servant-leaders; to the leadership of the church and in accordance with our constitution and statement of faith.


Men’s Ministry

The men’s ministry at East Gate Chapel seeks to gather all men together around God’s Word, prayer, and other spiritual disciplines, and honor the Lord Jesus Christ in all areas of their lives. Our desire is to help men have the courage to their homes and the strength to develop the lifestyle that enhances the discipleship patterns of Christ, and the endurance to live a victorious life that allows their family, friends, colleagues, and the younger generations to find their fulfillment in Christ.


Leadership Trainings

Training of kingdom servant leaders who will then go and multiply the straining to other leaders for the kingdom purpose and bring forth many souls to the kingdom. A rebirth of new generational leaders with the kingdom mindset and the passion of the harvest.


Market place Discipleship training

Our mission as a church is to equip the local church to lead successful in the Marketplace Ministry to influence society.


Indigenous church planting

We have the passion for the establishment of the local indigenous churches in Africa; therefore we are dedicated to the equipping of Pastors and church leaders to reach their own countrymen and women with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We believe that the efforts of outreach for Christ are most effective when shared with the efforts of the people, who understand the language, customs, and traditions.

We are reaching indigenous church leaders working in the least noticed areas of mission field where no one is patting their backs or praise their efforts. We identify key leaders and then work a alongside them to equip and empower them to impact their community through church planting.


Prison Ministry

We ask you to help us with Prison ministry today. We are looking for committed men and women of God with the burning desire to see lives of Prisoners transformed. We have created fellowships in prison cells, where they learn and have Bible study which has drawn number of Christian inmates to fellowship and be taught the word of God through our trained ministers working with Prisons chaplains in Kenya. Our mission is to equip and empower Prison inmates with necessary skills and knowledge of both the word of God and how to put their hands in various trained skills to help them after Prison.



We are seeking individuals who have a heart for God to come to Kenya for an exceptional ministry opportunity. There has never been such an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of people and we invite you to come and work with us. You will experience how critical it comes to change lives in Africa.

East Gate Chapel recognizes the need to partner and invites you to join your efforts with us to promote and support this heavenly mission. It is the privilege of you, not only to look for but also to hasten the coming of our lord awaited savior. The work of God in this earth can never be finished until all should rally to the work, and unite their efforts with those of brethren who can yoke together. We know this would be impossible to accomplish alone. That is why we are committed to establishing partnerships with people like you who are passionate about missions and have a heart for the lost, broken, and hurt.

If you would like to contact us, please use the contact form or visit our web site or Facebook page