Lifting up Jesus Christ as King, and equipping His people to be all He has called them to be.



An Apostolic Network shall be developed through which individuals and churches who accept the vision of King of Glory Ministries International and the apostolic covering of the International Director may affiliate with KOGMI.


1.1. Application.

1.1.1. Application for affiliation shall be made through KOGMI‘s web site on the form approved by the Board, and shall be accompanied by the names and e-mail addresses of three referees.

1.1.2. In the event of an applicant being unable to access the web site, application may be made in writing using the same form as appears on the web site.

1.1.3. Applicants must:

1.1.3.a. Have attained the age of 18years. AND

1.1.3.b. Have been born again of the Holy Spirit, having repented of their sins and by faith accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Saviour. AND

1.1.3.c. Have been baptized in water subsequent to their regeneration. AND

1.1.3.d. Have been baptized in the Holy Spirit. AND

1.1.3.e. Are living in a manner which is consistent with Christian faith. AND

1.1.3.f. Be actively involved in Christian ministry. AND

1.1.3.g. Share the vision of the Organization. AND

1.1.3.h. Are prepared to commit themselves to the Apostolic Network, to build relationships with the other Affiliates, to submit to those who are in authority, and to work for the fulfillment of its vision. AND

1.1.3.i. Agree to be bound by these by-laws. AND

1.1.3.j. Accept KOGMI‘s statement of faith. AND

1.1.3.k. Accept KOGMI‘s statement of moral standards. AND

1.1.3.l. Accept the Apostolic authority and covering of the International Director.

1.1.3.m. If in Australia, the applicant must be a full member of King of Glory Ministries International Inc.

1.1.4. Applications shall be active for three months from the application date. If all references and any other information required are not received within this time, applications may be deemed to have lapsed.

1.1.4.a. The paperwork from lapsed affiliation applications shall be held for a further three months. If the required information is received within this time, the application may be re-activated.

1.2. Termination of Affiliation.

1.2.1. Affiliation with the Apostolic Network is entirely voluntary. The Affiliate shall have the right to resign from Affiliation at any time by forwarding a written resignation to the Secretary.

1.2.2. If an Affiliate is proven to be living in a way which would be a cause for discipline of a member of the Organization, or if he/she permanently leaves the ministry, or otherwise fails to continue to meet the conditions of Affiliation, the Board shall have the power to suspend or cancel his/her Affiliation.

1.2.3. If an affiliate is to be disciplined, he/she shall be given opportunity to present a case as to why discipline should not occur.

1.2.4. If, however, the Board feels that such a case is not sufficient, and that discipline should still occur, the Board’s decision on the matter shall be final.

1.3. Not Exclusive.

Affiliates shall be free to hold membership in other organizations or networks, provided that the beliefs and purposes of such organizations or networks are not in conflict with those of the Organization, and provided that the leadership of such organizations or networks are aware of and in agreement with their Affiliation with the Apostolic Network.

1.4. Renewal of Affiliation.

Affiliation shall be annually renewable, with the affiliation year being concurrent with the Organization’s financial year. Affiliates must return their application for renewal of affiliation, together with a report on their ministry during the last 12 months, by the end of June each year.

1.4.1. If an Affiliate fails to renew his/her Affiliation within three months after the end of the Organization’s financial year, that Affiliate may be considered to no longer be interested in relationship with the Apostolic Network, and may forfeit his/her Affiliation.

1.5. Joint Affiliation.

Husband and wife may share joint affiliation.

1.6. Sub-affiliates

If an Affiliated Pastor knows of others in ministry who would like to be part of the Apostolic Network but find it difficult to connect because of problems with language or IT access, he/she may nominate that person as a sub-affiliate.

1.6.1. Sub-affiliates must meet all the conditions for affiliation, and the nominating affiliate must certify this.

1.6.2. The nominating affiliate must take responsibility for passing on all communications from KOGMI to the sub-affiliate.

1.6.3. The nominating affiliate must nominate another full affiliate in his/her own country who will take responsibility for the sub-affiliate should anything happen to the nominating affiliate.

1.6.4. Application to nominate a sub-affiliate shall be made through a form on the KOGMI web site, or if this is not accessible through a Word document of the same form.


2.1. Application.

Affiliated Pastors may request for their churches to be affiliated through the Apostolic Network.

2.1.1. The lead pastor of a church requesting affiliation must first be personally affiliated through the Apostolic Network.

2.1.2. The church must accept KOGMI’s Statement of Faith and Moral Standards.

2.1.3.The request for a church to be affiliated must be approved by the church’s governing body (Board, Committee, Eldership etc) and a member of that governing body must testify to that approval.

2.1.4. Application must be made on the form provided by KOGMI, either online of if this is not accessible through a Word document of the same form.

2.2. Conditions

2.2.1. Except for as outlined in these by-laws, affiliated churches remain independent, self- governing, self-supporting and self- propagating.

2.2.2. Affiliated churches must accept that they cannot expect financial or material support from KOGMI.

2.2.3 Affiliated churches must submit an annual report of their activities during the previous year.

2.2.4. Affiliated churches retain their own name, but must acknowledge their affiliation with King of Glory Apostolic Network

2.2.5. Affiliated churches are encouraged to form relationships with other churches within the network, both in Australia and overseas and share ministry where possible.

2.2.6. As with individuals, affiliation must be renewed annually at the beginning of the Australian financial year (1st July.)

2.3. Benefits

2.3.1. KOGMI provides apostolic covering for the church

2.3.2. KOGMI provides prayer support and encourages the churches to pray for each other

2.3.3. Affiliation provides connection with other like-minded churches

2.3.4. KOGMI provides teaching and training

2.3.5. KOGMI will provide ordination where applicable

2.4. Nature of the Relationship

2.4.1. The affiliation relationship is entered voluntarily by both parties

2.4.2. In no way does KOGMI assume legal or financial responsibility for the affiliated churches

2.4.3. KOGMI is, and will remain, a network not a denomination

2.5. Termination

2.5.1. The Church may at any time choose to leave the affiliation by giving one month’s notice in writing.

2.5.2. The Ministry may terminate the affiliation if:

2.5.2.a. there is ongoing, unrepented teaching of false doctrine

2.5.2.b. there is ongoing, unrepented moral failure on behalf of the leadership

2.5.2.c. there is ongoing, unrepented discord between the church and other churches/ministries within the network

2.5.2.d. the church fails to continue to meet the conditions for affiliation

2.5.2.e. the church fails to renew its affiliation within 12 months of the end of the Australian financial year.


3.1. Application

3.1. Senior Minister must be personally affiliated through the Apostolic Network, and a full member of KOGMI

3.2. Church must accept KOGMI’s Statement of Faith and Moral Standards

3.3. Board/Committee/Governing Body must vote to affiliate with KOGMI and a copy of the minutes of that meeting must be provided.

3.4. Application must be made on the form provided by KOGMI, either online of if this is not accessible through a Word document of the same form.

3.2. Conditions

3.2.1. Except as outlined in these by-laws, the affiliated church remains fully autonomous – self-governing, self-supporting, self-propagating.

3.2.2. The Senior Minister is expected to attend the annual Conference, and State Conference if/when one is started.

3.2.3. The church is to submit an annual report of its activities.

3.2.4. The leadership of the church is encouraged to form relationships with other churches within the network, both in Australia and overseas and share ministry where possible.

3.2.5. The affiliated church retains its own name but must acknowledge that it is part of King of Glory Apostolic Network.

3.2.6. The affiliated church must carry insurance to indemnify KOGMI against any action resulting from any action on part of the church.

3.3. Benefits

3.3.1. KOGMI provides apostolic covering for the church.

3.3.2. KOGMI provides prayer support and encourages the churches to pray for each other

3.3.3. Affiliation offers connection with like-minded churches

3.3.4. KOGMI provides teaching/training where required

3.3.5 KOGMI provides mentoring where required

3.3.6. KOGMI offers ordination where required

3.3.7. KOGMI provides mediation where required

3.3.8. KOGMI provides practical help with things like Constitution, Policies and Procedures, web site

3.3.9. The Senior Minster is eligible for appointment to KOGMI Board, or the Board of a State Branch.

3.3.10. When we have our property, there will be access for respite and for camps/seminars subject to availability.

3.4. Nature of the Relationship

3.4.1. The affiliation relationship is entered voluntarily by both parties

3.4.2. In no way does KOGMI assume legal or financial responsibility for the affiliated churches

3.4.3. KOGMI may choose at some time to make a charge for affiliation. If it does so, ample notification of the details of that charge will be given to the Church.

3.4.4. KOGMI is, and will remain, a network not a denomination

3.5. Termination

3.5.1. The Church may at any time choose to leave the affiliation by giving one month’s notice in writing.

3.5.2. The Ministry may terminate the affiliation if:

3.5.2.a. there is ongoing, unrepented teaching of false doctrine

3.5.2.b. there is ongoing, unrepented moral failure on behalf of the leadership

3.5.2.c. there is ongoing, unrepented discord between the Church and other churches/ministries within the network

3.5.2.d. the Senior Minister ceases to be a member of KOGMI or ceases to be affiliated with King of Glory Apostolic Network.

3.5.2.d.i. Should the Senior Minister leave and a new Senior Minister be appointed, suitable time will be allowed for the new Senior Minister to take up membership and affiliation.

3.5.2.e. the church fails to continue to meet the conditions for affiliation