Lifting up Jesus Christ as King, and equipping His people to be all He has called them to be.

The Vision:

To see the Body of Christ come into true unity, breaking through all barriers of race, social standing, denomination and gender; abandoning self-seeking to become truly like Christ; and standing together to establish the Kingdom of God.

The Mission:

To see Jesus Christ lifted up as King of kings, and to equip the people of God to be all that He has called them to be.

The Mandate:

To be a support ministry to the Body of Christ, assisting both congregations and individual Christians to find and fulfill their purpose and destiny in Christ. To minister to the Body of Christ across all barriers in teaching, equipping, encouraging and supporting by the power of the Holy Spirit.

The Guiding Principles:

  1. Jesus Christ is not just Savior, Healer, Deliverer, Provider, Teacher, Comforter and all the other wonderful things He is to us. Above and beyond them all, He is King of kings and Lord of lords.
  2. The Body of Christ is meant to be like its Head. We are called to be as much like Christ as it is possible for the finite to be like the Infinite, not only in love and holiness, but in power and authority. Jesus is not returning to rescue a cringing servant girl who is on her knees and about to be overwhelmed by the forces of evil, but to claim a spotless and glorious bride that looks so much like Himself that it is almost impossible to tell them apart.
  3. The Gospel is not about us, it is about the King and His Kingdom.

Core Values:

          1. The Word of God – the Manufacturer’s Handbook, the General’s Battle Plan, the Bridegroom’s Love Letter to His Bride – it must be the touchstone of everything we believe, teach and do.
          2. The Holy Spirit – His power is essential to every aspect of our Christian lives.
          3. The Trinity – the three Persons are absolutely equal in all attributes whilst being distinct in function.
          4. Commitment – lukewarmness is useless to the cause of Christ, unattractive to the world, and destructive to the individual spirit.
          5. Repentance – we need to acknowledge the areas in which we have failed and have a change of heart, mind and action in those areas.
          6. Holiness – God’s command, “Be holy for I am holy,” is as relevant today as ever.
          7. Grace – not just God’s “blind eye” to sin, but His dynamic indwelling power to live in victory.
          8. Prayer – communication with God must be the essential underpinning of all we do, lest we forget our need of Him and try to stand in our own strength.
          9. Lifestyle Worship – not just in words and song, but in all that we say, do and are.
          10. Practical Spirituality – faith which is worked out where the rubber meets the road
          11. Relational Faith – faith is not a “button” we push to get God to do what we want, but a relationship in which we know our God and trust Him implicitly.
          12. Balance – not the “balance” of compromise, but true balance which embraces all God has for us, not neglecting one aspect whilst over- emphasising another.


Short Term:

  1. Hold healing rallies, revival meetings, seminars and courses in various areas in co-operation with local churches.
  2. Provide teams to work with local congregations at times of establishment or rebuilding.
  3. Take teams on short term missions trips. Encourage a deeper commitment to missions within Australian churches.
  4. Promote worship as a central aspect of the life and ministry of the church.

Long Term:

  1. Establish a network based on the above Guiding Principles, through which individuals who may not be able to express and use their gifts within their local fellowships may have an avenue to do so; congregations and ministries which are not part of a denomination may find fellowship without the constraints of a denomination; and congregations and ministries that are part of a denomination may find an extended fellowship beyond the walls of the denomination. (NOTE: It is NOT the purpose to pull individuals out of local congregations, or congregations or ministries out of denominations, but rather to offer them a wider field of expression whilst remaining in their congregations or denominations.)
  2. Provide support, encouragement, training, mentoring and fellowship to those who feel called to begin a ministry but are not part of a denominational structure.
  3. Establish 24/7 Worship Centres where Christians of all denominations can come to worship the Lord and to create an atmosphere of worship in the area.
  4. Establish a network of intercessors, offering training, encouragement,support, and recognition to those called to the ministry of intercession.
  5. Possibly eventually send out and support full time missionaries.